
Welcome to everyone who found the site. Whether you believe its random or you believe its not. Here is some evidence on the site. Based on e-mail from readers I have gotten I will attempt to make this a better all around poker site. Sure beats will still be discussed but maybe we can get some blog reader tourneys going or have blog readers invite others and share there own tourney wins and losses via blogs. Just send me an e-mail I will attempt to create a network of poker blogs.

Believers and.........Non-Believers

Monday, April 23, 2012


Yes indeed. This happened. This is an all in on the turn with one card to go and two callers. Why this idiot would call a raise with a 49 to begin with is beyond me. Then the guy has the nerve to tell me he made the correct read and went all in because he knew his odds of hitting it were good. Really??

So you knew your odds of hitting a freaking ONE OUTER were good? LOL. Find this guy on cash games and play him. He will pay your bills. DONKEY OF THE WEEK.

ACESWILD1KING...winner of the first donkey of the week award.

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harada57 said...
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