
Welcome to everyone who found the site. Whether you believe its random or you believe its not. Here is some evidence on the site. Based on e-mail from readers I have gotten I will attempt to make this a better all around poker site. Sure beats will still be discussed but maybe we can get some blog reader tourneys going or have blog readers invite others and share there own tourney wins and losses via blogs. Just send me an e-mail I will attempt to create a network of poker blogs.

Believers and.........Non-Believers

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Doyles Room

My first day on Doyles Room. I must say I was pleasantly suprised. I really like the software. Its easy to use and intuitive. It really honestly and truly feels more like real poker. There is no crazy hands where three people are all in. The pace of the game is much slower and the cards feel real. Here is a highlight of my day in which I made a decent amount of money. This hand is great though:

Thats right I called it.....Full Tilt is Bankrupt

Dont expect to get your money back. I called this two weeks ago. Here are some links. The main question is what did they do with our money? A company should only be allowed to invest PROFITS. Not the players buy ins. This is absolutely ridiculous. I hope they go after the owners of the site as well. Howard Lederer behind bars. That would make me feel absolutely great!




So now that we have that out of the way. US Players will probably not be able to get their funding back. Howard Lederer is hiding in some hole somewhere outside of the United States. He should, he is an absolute thief. Full Tilt took our money as soon as we deposited it. Essentially, you were never going to get paid. So much for the poker sites make so much money they dont have to cheat theory.

If you won a large tournament you would have never received your money. If you did, they would have paid you with other peoples deposits. Forget them. Lock them up. What they did was illegal. Speaking of......

A quick article for you to review:

A major university recently completed a study of the on-line poker site FullTiltPoker.Net, the “free” side of Full Tilt Poker.


Over the course of the one-year study students entered into, but did not play in, over 10,000 9-person Sit & Go No Limit Hold’em 250 (play money) tournaments. Player stats were recorded, and later analyzed. Over 57,000 individual hands made up the study sample.

The study revealed that the dealing of cards at Full Tilt Poker is not random. The site has a tendency to deal a statistically abnormal amount of “big” hands, including straights, flushes, full houses, four of a kind, etc.

The odds of “hitting” a particular hand when seven cards are dealt from a 52-card deck are easily calculated. We won’t go into the gory mathematical details, but you are certainly invited to look them up for yourself if you don’t believe us.

For example, when seven cards are dealt from a 52-card deck, the odds of hitting a royal flush are approximately 500,000 to 1. That’s why you don’t see very many of them in the real world, let alone get one yourself. Yet, on Full Tilt we saw a royal flush in approximately 1 out of every 4,432 hands dealt, over 1,000 times as often as statistical probability would dictate. Several of our players were dealt more than one royal flush over the course of the study.

Oddly, a non-royal straight flush came up in 1 out of 7,203 hands during our study. With a random deal, the probability of hitting any kind of non-royal straight flush is approximately 83,000 to 1. That probability is multiplied by a factor of 10 at Full Tilt.

The most common winning hand in our tournaments at Full Tilt was 2 pairs. It came up on average 1 out of every 13 hands, about twice as often as statistical probability would dictate. With a random seven-card deal from a 52-card deck, a 2-pair hand should come up every 21 hands on average.

Likewise, all the other “big hands” occurred far more often on Full Tilt than one would expect from a truly random (and honest) deal. A straight came up in 1 out of every 54 hands dealt. Normal odds for a straight are 1 in every 283 seven-card hands. Likewise, a flush came up in 1 out of every 54 hands, the same as straights. In the real world, we would expect to see a flush in approximately 1 out of every 500 hands, or about half as often as a straight. On Full Tilt straights and flushes come up with almost equal frequency, yet another statistical anomaly.

Interestingly, the most common straights on Full Tilt are the ace high straight and the five high straight. They came up more than four times as often as any other kind of straight. This, in and of itself, represents another glaring statistical anomaly.

Hands with three-of-a-kind were observed in 1 out of every 27 hands, almost twice the 1 out of 47 hands one expects to see in the real world.

A full house came up on average 1 in every 71 hands dealt. This far exceeds the 1 in every 694 hands you will see in the real world.

Hands with four-of-a-kind occurred on Full Tilt in one 1 of every 281 hands, far more often then the 1 out of every 4,166 hands one expects from an random deal.

We can only conclude that Full Tilt does not deal cards randomly, but is programmed to produce big hands. Perhaps this makes for more “exciting” play, but it is less than honest.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Full Tilt Poker is Bankrupt!!??

Do a search. Start reading. The US Government provided a go ahead more than 2 weeks ago for the poker sites to "refund" US players there money. Full Tilt continues to delay this process. In fact in there most recent release they are unable to do so because they simply dont have the money. What? This is not their money. This is our money, how can they not give it back to us. In business this is known as bankruptcy.

An even better question is what did Full Tilt do with our money? We are only asking for our investments back. This should be easy to accomplish since the money is ours and should not have been invested in anyway and also should not affect Full Tilt in anyway whatsoever. This is money they should not have access to. By now people are reading this and saying WTF? This is not true. Indeed it is. Search all over the internet. Pokerstars US players are in fact receiving their money or have already received their money.

Here is what FT provides:

This honestly just shows how terribly this website was run. So are you telling your United States players that their funds are lumped in with FT poker profits and also the funds of other players? That you dont have enough money in your accounts to pay out your US players even though IT IS THERE MONEY THAT IS IN THE ACCOUNTS.

This is bad. This is the end of FT poker. There is no way this website survives. Playing on this site at this point is just plain ludicrous. Even if poker becomes legalized I will not be redepositing any funds on FT because the site itself, the setup, and the disregard for players money is just plain disrespectful. Will I play internet poker again? Probably. Will it be on Full Tilt Poker? Hell no. They have lost all confidence with me. I mean how can it even come close to being explained that Pokerstars can give players money quickly, but FT does not have enough money to return the funds to US players?

If you are still doubting that FT is bankrupt. Please notice you cant even redeem FT points at the store. THEY CANNOT AFFORD TO SEND YOUR PRODUCT TO YOU. It really is amazing.