I take a good long break since that last post and hop back on to play a game real quick. I run into a guy who likes to raise to 150 preflop every hand. I let him have it 5 hands and then.........thats right the magical 90% or better pocket rockets. I reraise to 300, he goes all in, of course I call. WTF is this a joke? Come on Full Tilt when you start fuckin people over this bad, random is hard to believe huh?
5 and 16 with aces all in preflop. a 90% hand at 5 and 16. Random???
That's a nice story except I watched this hand and you raised small preflop, checked the flop AND turn, and reraised him all in on the river when you were dead. Why make up a story that full tilt is rigged when in fact you just lost the hand?
If you want to be believed, post the full hand histories.
Unfortunately.........you didnt watch this game. First I never play aces with a min raise. I always raise a monimum of three times the blind. Secondly, on a flop like this I would never check the flop. Much less the flop and turn. And Third, if I had lost without being all in preflop then it wouldnt be posted on here.
I also like how you think you can comment a full day after the game happened and remember that you watched this game. Funny.
I googled Full Tilt, saw your blog and ''posts'', lauhged hard, looked in my notes for you in the Full Tilt app, saw that I had seen your ''AA" and "KK" hands, and had made comments in my notes on you.
I didn't have to ''remember'' anything.
Whatever. Just keep on playing as you have been, it's obviously working well for you.
Good luck!
and your name on full tilt is???
Tiltdad maybe? Who has played 5 games. None of which were against me and has a negative profit of 56.00 and a minus 20% ROI. LOL.
Shockingly, ''tiltdad'' is my nick there.
LOLOLOL - yup, I've played 5 games for a $56 loss. That's me. I deposit everyday and lose it all.
Please rely very heavily on wherever you got those stats from - it's 100% accurate.
Don't bother putting up the hand histories - I've seen the AA and KK ''bad beats'' and you'll just edit them anyway.
Just keep playing as you are, it's obviously working great for you. Have a nice life!
Its called Sharkscope bub. And yes it really is accurate. I cant go back and randomly post hand histories because I dont have them. The other fact is that you havent seen even ONE game that I have posted. I am sure you were able to hop on the one game I posted and the oh 3 or 4 minutes that heads up lasted.
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